Padmashree Dr.D.Y.Patil Vidyapeeth Department of Education was inaugurated on 18th August 2004.The college aim to form secondary school teachers with a high degree of acedemic excellence kowledge of a subject matter experts in teaching methodology cocurricular activities and imbued with a high sense of moral values and commitment to both their students and the wider community in which they operate . It also aims at assisting better linkages between the teaching profession and the wider world of work.It aims to be the spearhead of educational research and reform,to contribute to the development of a fuller human formation for both teachers and students at all levels
Laboratory:The department has 4 laboratories
Library:The department of Education has one library with reading room. There are approximately 4500 books in education available in English,Marathi and Hindi language .
Hostel Facility
A limited number of seats may be on a need come merit besis at the hostel in the campus at Nerul Navi Mumbai.