RMD Sinhgad Technical Institutes Campus Warje, Pune was established in 2011-2012 under the umbrella of Sinhgad Institutes. The Institute is recognized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi, Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Mumbai, and is affiliated to University of Pune, Maharashtra State, India.
The college has well-established computerized Library with a large collection of textbooks, reference books, technical journals, educational DVDs and CDs for all courses offered through RMDSTIC. In addition to print copies of relevant journals, the library has also subscribed international online journals like IEEE, ASME, ASCE, WILEY BLACKWELL, McGRAW HILL, Science Direct, ASTM, J-Gate(JET and (JSMS), BCRC which can be accessed and downloaded through internet facility provided in digital library. NPTEL video Lectures delivered by India’s best teachers are also available in library.