Department of Applied Electronics offering Engineering Education and Research Opportunities of very high standards to students, develop the total personality of the individual, and inculcate discipline and strive to follow global standards, making the students technologically superior and morally strong, who in turn shall contribute to the advancement of society and humankind.
Basic Facilities - Electrical Engineering Lab, Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab, Linear Integrated Circuits Lab, Digital Integrated Circuits Lab, Computer Lab, Electronic Workshop, Microprocessor Lab, Microcontroller Lab, VLSI Lab, UHF and Microwave Lab, Optical Fiber Communications Lab, Digital Signal Processing Lab, Project Lab, Seminar Hall.
Advanced Facilities- Research Lab, In-circuit emulators for microprocessor based product design, PCB design software, MATLAB software with Tool boxes,, NeuroSolutions Software, Xilinx’s ISE 9.1 software, Tektronix function generators, Digital storage Oscilloscope, DSP kits, Microcontroller kits, Optical fiber communication kits, Microwave bench Precision Impedance analyzer ( Installed in central instrumentation center), EPROM programmer etc. Teaching aids like computers, laser printer, overhead projector, LCD/DLP projectors, educational CDs/DVDs, etc. are available. Broad Band Internet Connection at bandwidth of 4 Mbps is made available at the department for the students, researchers and the faculty member, Wi-Fi is also available.