K.A.A.N.M.Sonwane Arts, Commerce and Science College, Satana, is run by Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj, Nasik. It is 40 years old renowend Educational Institute in state of the Maharashatra. It is registered under the Bombay Public Trust act and Manges 323 Educational Institutes and is one of the premier educational instituion in the jurisdication of the University Pune.
Library:Library system is fully computerized. Every activity, such as book issuing, stock maintenance and other transactions, is computerized. Presently the library has latest computers with 24 hours broadband internet connectivity. The library has educational CD/DVD section in which several educational CD/DVD are available. Students can access this library through the computers available in the library. Reprographic facilities are also available for students and faculty. The library has photocopy machine, which student can use for copying some important information available in the library at very economical rate