BTTC is a government aided private college affiliated to University of Mumbai and managed by reputed Hyderabad (Sind) National Collegiate (HSNC) Board. It has been re-accredited Grade ‘A’ by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).The college started functioning formally from 16th June 1969.
The college has smart class-rooms and LCD along with a computer installed in the each classroom for use by the staff and students. The college also has Overhead Projectors, Audio Equipment, a VCD Player and LCD televisions, and other equipment which are often used in the teaching-learning process.
The institution has a well defined set of vision, mission and objectives. The library at BTTC complies with them and has an open-access system. The Library provides services to the research scholars, faculty members and students from all courses that are run in the institution. In this regard, the library has acquired 15,700 books and more than 100 educational CD s including Encyclopedia Britannica and National Geographic Journals. The library subscribes to 2 International Journals and nearly 30 periodicals including magazines, journals and newspapers. The library is constantly enriched and new material is added to keep abreast with latest changes and advancements in the field of education. The library is automated with SOUL software. Search for any document can be made through Online-Public-Access-Catalogue (OPAC). The library also provides Book Bank Facility to all its students where in each student is provided with a set of 6 books for the whole year. The library staff, led by Librarian, Ms. Priya Pillai, is always at the service of the reader.
Computer Laboratory:
The college has a newly-renovated state-of-the-art computer laboratory with Internet connection facilities. The laboratory has 25 personal computers with the latest configurations especially for the use by the students. The laboratory is also equipped with Scanning and Printing facilities. The laboratory is looked after by a qualified computer instructor