BIMS imparts advanced curriculum courses on Management and IT. At BIMS, we believe that learning is most fruitful when knowledge and expertise of individuals from various disciplines and diverse backgrounds are shared. As this provides a cutting edge to professional education, we encourage such diversity which is reflected in the composition of the student body of the institute.
Library:The library has a rich collection of books and journals predominantly related to management and its allied subjects to meet the present and future information needs of its users. The vast reservoir of knowledge is a source of constant value addition for the knowledge seekers and mental stimulation which help updating the knowledge for the faculty and students of IT and Management alike. As a matter of policy, the Institute pays special attention to not only strengthening the library with additional books and journals, but also to ensure that they are utilized well by the students both for their courses as well as to extend the frontiers of their general knowledge. Along with a good store of e-books audio and multimedia versions of some course modules are also available.
Computer Laboratory : BIMS has one of the finest computing environments among management institutions in Vadodara and a campus wide network with access to Internet and other facilities, which is Wi-Fi enabled to ensure mobile computing at all locations within the campus. The network links the computing resources in the faculty offices, student labs and administrative units.
Internet access to students is available round the clock. Firewall is used at gateway which also does the bandwidth monitoring and spam control.
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