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Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS) : Department of Immunology

Raebareli Road , Lucknow - 226014
District: Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
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Established      :    1987
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Courses Offered by Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS) : Department of Immunology

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Placement Records

Department of Immunology at Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences have been fortunate to have this specialty at the Institute since its inception. This is a unique centre which combines research, teaching and patient service in this niche area of medicine. And is the only such department in the country. The department has gained widespread recognition since its establishment in 1987 and trained a large number of young physicians who are now spreading the discipline to all parts of the country

0522 - 2668004, 2668008, 2668700, 2668800
 Course(s) Offered by Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS) : Department of Immunology  
DM Clinical Immunology | Ph.D. Immunology | Post Doctoral Certificate Course in Laboratory Immunology (PDCC)
1 .
MD in Medicine or Pediatrics
Admission Procedure
Through entrance test consists of an MCQ test for 60 mark.These are of “Multiple true/false” type and consist of a mix of general medicine and immunology questions. Short listed candidates have to appear for a structured departmental test on the next day. This test includes laboratory and clinical spots and case analysis
Medium of Instruction
Other Details
The training involves first line management of all types of immune mediated diseases in the outpatient and inpatient areas. In addition students have to present regular seminars and journal reviews, conduct one laboratory based and one clinical research project (from planning to publication) and take 8 credits of non-subject related course (Computer applications, Statistics, Scientific Communication, Research Methodology etc.). Two papers have to be published/accepted for publication (one as first author) in an indexed journal before the candidate can appear for the final examination.

2 .
PhD program is open to any postgraduate in biological sciences and to medical graduates and postgraduates. Any candidate who holds an independent Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) from any of the funding agencies can directly approach the faculty and request for registration
Medium of Instruction
Other Details
Registration is also allowed for JRFs selected on extramural projects during the first year of the project. Beside the research work leading to the degree, students have to present seminars and journal reviews and take 8 credits in non-subject related courses(Computer applications, Statistics, Scientific Communication, Research Methodology etc.).

3 .
MD in Pathology, Microbiology or Biochemistry
1 year
Medium of Instruction
Other Details
The objective is to train clinical laboratory service providers with additional competence in immunology. There is one seat per year and selected candidates are appointed as Senior Residents. The training involves reporting routine laboratory tests and understanding clinical interpretation of these