Ananda College, founded and managed by the R.C.Diocese of Sivagangai, is a Roman catholic minority co-educational and self-supporting institution.Though our college aims at forming the youth of the Christian minority, it is open to students irrespective of caste, creed and culture. It is situated in a vast area of 25 acres within the jurisdiction of Devakottai municipality (Devakottai Extension) and on the National Highway No. 210, and between the twin towns namely Karaikudi and Devakottai.
Library: The Library works from 8.30 a.m to 5.30 p.m on all working days and study holidays.Two library tickets will be issued to each student and five tickets to the teaching staff. Non teaching staff may borrow two books whereas PG students may borrow three books and teaching faculty borrow five books during the semester, if the respectively need more than two / three / five books they will obtain permission from the Principal.Library tickets are not transferable.
Sports Facility: To those who may of wonder what has sports (or) physical activities got to do with education in general, one is tempted to borrow Gandhi’s maxim to counter that thought namely “Physical training should have as much a place in the curriculum as mental training”. Gandhi’s comment on physical education has become an integral part of any enlightened academic programme.The College extends all possible assistance to promising sports –persons in the from of fee-concessions, free boarding and lodging, coaching facilities etc.This assistance is commensurate with level of achievement.
Hostel Facility
Hostel Facilities available for girls