Centre for Intelligent Systems (CIS): Centre for Intelligent Systems (CIS) is a highly sophisticated lab configured with systems and equipments with current technology to allow students and faculty to construct projects and develop applications to meet the current industry standards. The lab is equipped with 12 Apple desktop machines with the latest version ‘10.11 El Capitan’ operating system and 19 Lenovo desktop machines with Windows 10 operating system with upgradation into dual OS using UBUNTU 15.10 in progress.
Mechatronics Lab:The mechatronics lab is conjunction of different core branches of engineering viz. Mechanical, Electronics and Computing. It contains trainer kits for hydraulic and pneumatic with different sensors (Mechanical), programmable logic controls, microcontrollers and PID controllers (Electronics and Computing) to instil skill to students in the field of automation and mechatronics.
Centre of Peace: A common Prayer Hall, of 4000 sq. ft., is open to students of all faiths to pray and spend time in meditation.
LICET Library: A well stocked library has been established at LICET, for the benefit of students and faculty. LICET library has in its collection more than 25857 books with 5489 titles and subscribes to 42 technical journals and also E-resources like , IEEE, ASME, ASTM, Springer, Elsevier. It has the capacity to accommodate 445 students at a time. Provision is made for photocopying, scanning and printing