The Society "SREE KRISHNA ACADEMY" felt the burning need of an educational institution to impart value based education to boys and girls of 21st century arena. The main purpose is to relate education to the life, cater needs & aspirations of our people and to achieve the goals of human progress by increasing the productivity, accelerating the process of modernization for attainment of social, moral and spiritual values in the form of Ancent "Gurukul like Teaching Environment" through individual attention and by close monitoring.
Library: we possess a first class Air Conditioned library well equipped with books of latest edition for reference with a seating capacity of 100 students at present and we are developing a new block with 300 seating capacity and also increasing the number of books.
Hostel Facility
We are the only Degree College in this city which is having excellent hostel facilities separately for boys and girls. We have accommodation for 150 boys and 200 girls housed inside the campus itself.