ZCOER is established in 2007 which symbolized the beginning of new era in technical education. The college offers UG engineering degree courses in Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Electronics & Telecommunication and Mechanical Engineering. The college also offers PG courses in Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering (Power System), Electronics & Telecommunication (VLSI and Embedded System), Mechanical Engineering (ME Design / CADEM) and Master of Business Administration. The institute is also granted as PhD research center in Computer Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication and Mechanical Engineering under Savitribai Phule Pune Unuversity, Pune (SPPU) since 2013.
library : ZCOER is having total 921.91 sqm specious area for central Library. In the central library we have different sections like; book stacking, periodicals, reference, PG Section, digital library with 10 nodes & well ventilated reading hall with capacity of 250+ students. All the books have been classified as per Dewey decimal classification system. Transaction of books has been done by computerized barcode system through Autolib software. OPAC Search facility available in Library Premises.
Canteen: Spacious and well-equipped canteen facility is available at Zeal campus. A complete and planned meal is served in neat, clean and hygienic surroundings
Language Lab:The computer center has been established with extreme care and planning. There are more than 550 computers of configurations Intel Dual-Core at 3.0 GHz and 1Gb RAM each. All computers are connected on LAN. We have acquired all the software and software packages for development of programmers required by the students.
Transportations: College is running bus services from different locations so that students hailing from any location within Pune will have a nearby pickup cumdrop back point to board the college bus to come to college and to go back home.
Reading Hall: We have a spacious reading hall enough to accommodate about sixty students. The ambience is just right for students study and other reading activities. We have also a separate reference section for the researchers.
Music Studio and Dance Studio
Hostel Facility
Zeal boasts of one of the largest hostel facilities amongst post-graduate education Institutes in Maharashtra. A modern, 100 student capacity hostel with excellent amenities and mess facility has been provided for the girls.