PNS College is an educational family where students and staff from various Indian states and nationalities live, teach and study together in a congenial atmosphere. This College Is Running In The memorial of late. Parmanand Sinha. The College guarantees quality education by preparing the students for a bright, productive future. This website will provide enough information about the life in the College that a student is going to experience in this campus The College strives to encourage and enable every student to develop his full potential by providing a high quality stimulating learning experience and an environment encompassing a wide range of relevant activities
LIBRARY :The library has a good collection of books. Every student will find something of his interest to read. Students are taken to library periodically to develop the habit of reading books. Books can be borrowed and the Librarian guides the student in the college hours. A set of library books are also available in pdf formate on system during their rest-time.
COMPUTER CENTRE :The spacious Computer Centre meets the challenging needs of the modern, technological world where computer is no longer a luxury but a basic necessity in all transactions.The centre is equipped with multimedia PCs, all connected through LAN and is one of the best among the city colleges
Scholarship Facility
Scholarships Provides