The CTIMT provides a creative learning environment where the development of managerial skills and the discovery of principles, concept and values are the primary methodologies. We understand that knowledge can be classified into three broad categories: facts, skills and understanding. Facts are best taught through lectures and other didactic processes. Skills are habits that are developed through experience and practice. Understanding comes through discovery, by asking why and then working out the answers.The learning at CTIMT comes through lectures, case studies, role plays, simulation exercises, audio-visual aids, etc. Apart from this, interactive sessions make up a significant portion of the curriculum. Students are taught about the application and implementation of the concept.
Library:The library has more than 50000 books covering all disciplines of Science, Engineering & Technology including bounds volumes of periodicals.
Computer Labs: The CT Group chooses to lay special emphasis on ensuring that its graduates are ready for the technical challenges of an information society. There are a number of computing facilities available on the campus.
Hostel Facility
Separate Hostel facility is available for Boys and Girls.
Scholarship Facility
Scholarships Available
Placement Service Available