Department of Education, University of Delhi, earlier known as the Central Institute of Education (CIE), was perhaps the first major institute of professional learning and research in Education established just after independence. The first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and his Education Minister, Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad took considerable interest in the establishment of CIE in 1947 and its activities and progress in those early years. Maulana Azad visualized the function of CIE not merely to "turn out teachers who will be 'model teachers", but to evolve into "a research centre for solving new educational problems of the country". Over these past decades, CIE has attempted to work towards this vision. Moreover, at this juncture, when the nation has introduced the Right to Education Act and a National Curricular Framework for Teacher Education, but is grappling with how it will prepare a vast cadre of teachers who can ensure quality with equity, CIE will need to brace itself to address this challenge.