M.V.R.Degree College is an unit of VACHASPATI MADHUPATI PRANI SEWA SANSTHAN. M.V.R.Degree College was started in 2009 and within a span of just 3 years it has been transformed to a leading degree college of repute. M.V.R.Degree College is a degree level institute which is providing B.A. & B.Sc. degree. M.V.R.Degree College aspires to provide high quality higher education in Kaushambi District so as to produce competitive graduates in both Arts and Science Stream
Computer Centre: The Computer Centre is constructed to fulfill the needs of the faculty and students that help in their study and some other information related to research and teaching. All the computers in computer lab are equipped with 24x7 internet facility for the students. No charges are imposed on students to utilize this facility. Entire campus is laced with Wi-Fi system. All the computers are coupled with laser printers, color plotters and scanners. The Computer Centre supports database packages, Compilers (C, C++, Visual Basic, Java, etc.), MATLAB,.net PC Nonlin, Scientist, ChemOffice, Pallas, Sigmastat, Sigmaplot, SPSS, Endnote, Acrobat Suit, web designing, Windows NT environment and most of the popular Microsoft products like Office 97/2000/XP, Windows 7 etc.
Library : MVIET has a Library, with a collection of over more than 10000 titles, it includes Abstracts, Technical reports, Proceedings, Data handbooks, Standards, Manuals, Directories, Year book, Biographical sources, Gazetteers, Text books, thesis, Dissertation, Encyclopedias and other general books recommended by teachers and students. Besides this having subscription of various local news papers and magazines.
Laboratories: The college has modern and well equipped laboratories