The College stands for academic excellence, enrichment of skills and character formation so as to enable students to excel in the field of their choice. It is one of the premier academic institutions of West Bengal which intellectually inspires and morally encourages the youth to meet the global challenges of the present millennium. Since the day of its inception on August 28, 1950, the College has set itself the mission of creating human wealth by imparting quality education to young learners of diverse socio-economic backgrounds and inspiring them to grow as responsible citizens and good human beings.
Canteen: The college canteen provides refreshment at cheap rates for the students and staff.
Wifi Facilities: We have created free Wi-Fi zone at our college campus. Students can avail this facility for academic purpose.
Computer Laboratory: The College has an elaborate computer network covering office, library, laboratory etc. Also we have established UGC Network Resource Centre recently.
Facilities For physically handicapped: Special facilities are available for physically handicapped students.