TCTE SOCEITY has been established in the year 2001 under the Rajasthan Society Registration Act 1958. It is pioneered by the honest efforts of young, energetic and well-qualified team of professionals. Tirupati College is swiftly developing a distinctive identity and undergoing rapid growth, offer diverse programs to upper-division undergraduates and to graduate students. The primary objective of Tirupati College is the preservation, advancement, and dissemination of knowledge. As one of the state's outstanding teaching and research institutions, the College is committed to maintaining an environment for objectivity and imaginative inquiry and research that ensure the production of new knowledge in the free exchange of facts, theories, and ideas. Tirupati College challenges everyone to achieve their best and provides the support to ensure that most realize that goal. Studying at Tirupati College is a great opportunity to discover where your talents lie and the variety of activities that Tirupati College offers is unrivaled. With this training behind them, our graduates are highly employable. College admissions staff has made great progress in reaching out to those for whom a Tirupati education may have seemed an unattainable goal. Through its campus system and through educational outreach, degree programs, and distance learning, it extends educational opportunities to many who would not otherwise have access to them. The College strives to maintain a tradition of educating undergraduate and graduate students toward achieving an excellence that well serves the state, the region, and the nation. Currently the college has more than 1200 students enrolled and a strong network of 1500 alumni. Welcome to Tirupati College, a college where learning is a life time experience, that epitomizes a perfect synthesis of east and west, Vedic and Anglo, where traditions shake hands with modernity in all its modesty, where creative minds meet professional faculty.