This institution of Ludhiana initially known as “Imperial College” was established in 1920. It has made immense contribution to the academic sphere of the region. Later the name was changed to Government College, Ludhiana. Under the aegis of the principal A.C.C. Hervey, who served in this college with great dedication for 15 years (1927-1942), it developed into a premier institution and ever since it has grown from strength to strength. In 1976 in recognition of the service rendered to the nation by its alumnus Satish Chander Dhawan, a renowned Space Scientist, the college was rechristened as SATISH CHANDER DHAWAN Government College (SCD GOVT. COLLEGE) by the Government of Punjab. Under the stewardship of very able principals the college has been serving thousands of students for ten eventful decades and is now heading for a century. This institution has provided the brightest minds to the world of science, humanities, commerce and IT sector.
Scholarship Facility
Provides Scholarships: Students can apply for the following scholarships and incentives. They must apply on the prescribed form on time. Scholarships can be withdrawn at any time as per instructions of the Government.