MarutiNandanTeacher Training College is located in Bharatpur one of the premier college of Teacher Training education in the region and offering various types of programs in profession achieving milestone year after year. In every sphere of education, academics and extracurricular activity, MarutiNadan has created new paradigms.College also encourages various other curricular activities to develop an overall personality of the students. College has arranged special class lecture in a week for conducting personality development classes by inviting expert in related filed for overall development of students, the institute organize at regular intervals the short terms intensive course through guest lecture, along with seminars in aspects of various recent industrial development. I welcome and fell privileged to invite you to be a part of MarutiNadanTeacher Training College and experience with a difference.
Computer Lab: The College has well equipped computer lab. It is equipped plenty of computers which can accommodate at a time 25 students. College has kept its target of providing 1:1 computer to the students during their computing, exercise as additionally input to their students to cope up with challenges of future.
Library: The college has well stock library comprising titles and varieties of periodicals. It is also equipped with state of audio-visual facilities for the use of our students. A library is a collection of sources of information and similar resources, made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. It provides physical or digital access to material.
Sports: “A healthy a body keep healthy mind”, keep this in mind we introduce gems to our students. We have wide playground and games facilities to students. The college provides excellent facilities for practically all major outdoor and indoor games and has a full-time Sports Officer with adequate supporting staff to assist in games and sports activities, apart from members of teaching staff deputed as Professors-In-Charge of various major games and sports.
Classrooms: The college has eight class rooms size of 30X20 . But take comfort in knowing our undergraduate student-to-faculty . There are a number of elements in designing and teaching a course with effective peer instruction.
Labs: The institution well equipment and arranged laboratory of science and mathematics with multiple set of apparatus and tools chemical model chart et. Required demonstration and experiment prescribed in the syllabus for secondary and senior secondary classes. Scientific Laboratory in the college which includes physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics which are using by the pupil teacher during practice teaching and practical exam.