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Poornima University School of Science and Humanities

Plot no. IS-2027-31, Ramchandrapura, Sitapura Extension , Jaipur - 303905
District: Jaipur (Rajasthan)
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Established      :    -
Affiliated to     :    National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology
Approved By    :    -

Courses Offered by Poornima University School of Science and Humanities

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The School of Science and Humanities brings together the former School of Basic and Applied Science into a cohesive cross-disciplinary unit providing greater opportunities in teaching and research. The School aims at imparting quality education in the conventional areas of Science & Humanities and blooming into a center for teaching, learning and research with an aim to acquire excellence in the academic endeavor. It offers broad based graduate program with the aim of producing scholars who can meet the requirement of the global demand of the trained man power in research and industries along with creating an environment of highly professional competence to carry out research of both basic and applied nature. The School has a unique mentor-mentee system, where every student is guided by a faculty member. Faculty member are very much committed and work efficiently to develop foundational skills so that students achieve their goals in desired fields like teaching, Govt. service, private service, administration, advertising, customer service, journalism, management, public relation, publishing etc.

 Course(s) Offered by Poornima University School of Science and Humanities  
Ph.D. Humanities and Social Sciences
1 .
Masters degree
Medium of Instruction
Approved By/ Affiliated To
National Council for Hotel Management, Noida