he School of Biosciences had its beginning as School of Basic Medical Sciences in 1983 by utilizing the faculty and infrastructure of Medical College Hospital, Kottayam. In 1990, the School was renamed as School of Biosciences. The Department is acclaimed for its research activities which provide an exclusive platform for the new generation scientists.
The School anchors on a fundamental branch of knowledge and its application provides the students to gain expertise in a wide spectrum of areas such as Biochemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology and Biophysics. The School has established research in biochemical aspects of Fermentation Biotechnology, Toxicology, Envi ronmental Biotechnology, Ethanopharmacology, Industrial Microbiology, Inflammation Research, Cancer Research, Ecology, Ecotechnology, Agriculture Microbiology, Plant Tissue Culture, Physiology, Immunobiology and Natural Product Research. The Department has garnered prestigious DBT-BUILDER programme (2012-17) to establish state-of-the-art instrumentation facility, animal maintenance facility and animal cell culture facility. It has also established a strong linkage with the rural society nearby for extension activities.
The School has sophisticated facilities like Electrophoretic unit with Western Bolt, RT-PCR, Sonicator, Freeze Drier, Refrigerated Centrifuge, ELISA Reader, Liquid Scintillation Counter, Visible Spectrometer, Fermentor, HPLC, Ultra Centrifuge, Atomic Absorption Spectroscope, Spectrofluorometer,Florescence Microscope, PCR and Gel Documentation,HPTLC, CO2 Incubatory, Animal Cell Culture Facility and Animal House.