DCE is an insitution which defines and continues to update methods of engineering and architecture in India. It provides its students with modern educational facilities while retaining traditional values, as well as using its strong industrial contacts to mold young, talented individuals who can compete in the global arena.The aim of DCE is to rank among leading universities globally. Consequently, DCE ’s mission is to educate individuals to be competitive not only in India, but all over the world. Within an intensely competitive environment, the college has adopted a dynamic, global, high-quality, creative and communicative approach in education, as well as research and development.
DCE is constantly restructuring itself and renovating its physical infrastructure as well as its research and education facilities.
Library:The library services at Delhi College of Engineering are provided to students, staff & faculty
members for updating their knowledge and supporting the research and teaching / learning
computer center:DCE has a well equipped centralized computer center to cater to the needs of high profile students and faculty in the college. It is housed, in a magnificent state-of-the-art building having specialized laboratories to provide variety of platforms and computing environment for UG, PG and research students. The center possesses a number of servers and over 150 Compaq Pentium-IV computer systems.
Hostel Facility
DCE has 9 Boys and 3 Girls hostels in the campus that can accomodate around 1100 boys and 250 girls.
Scholarship Facility
Following scholarships are awarded annually by the University of Delhi.
i) Pandit Man Mohan Nath Dhar Scholarship, not exceeding two in number, of the value of Rs. 100 p.m. each to the deserving and needy students studying in the University in the undergraduate classes.
ii) Inder Kohli Anand Kohli Scholarships, two in number, each of the value of Rs. 100 p.m. to the needy and deserving students who pass the Senior School Certificate Examination, New Delhi, or equivalent in first division and join anyone of the first degree Programmes in the Faculty of Technology.
iii) Man Mohan Krishna Kaul Scholarships, each of the value of Rs. 100 p.m. to the deserving and needy students who join the first year of the B.E. Elect/Electronics/ Mech./Civil Programmes. The number of scholarships is likely to vary from year to year.
iv) Smt. Savitri Agnihotri Scholarships, two in number of the Rs. 100 p.m. each to the needy and deserving students who join Ist degree Programme in any branch in the Faculty of Technology in Delhi College of Engineering (income ordinarily not exceeding Rs. 750 p.m.)