Dudhnoi College, Goalpara
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P.O. : Dudhnoi, Dist. : Goalpara , Goalpara (Goalpara Dist.) - 783124
The establishment of Dudhnoi College in 1972 has its chequered history, which must needs to be ...
Sibsagar College, Sibsagar
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Joysagar , Sibsagar (Sivasagar Dist.) - 785665
Sibsagar College, a premier seat of higher education in this part of the state, is situated at ...
Gargaon College, Sibsagar
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P.O. Simaluguri , Sibsagar (Sivasagar Dist.) - 785686
The Gargaon College is located at Gargaon, a place of historical and tourist importance and at a ...
Sahibganj College, Sahibganj
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Sahibganj , Sahibganj (Sahibganj Dist.) - 816109
Sahibganj College is one of the premier constituent college of S.K.M.University Dumka (Jharkhand). ...