Management Aptitude and Skills
Test (MAST) 2012 - On Sunday, 23rd September, 2012 |
Management Aptitude and Skills Test - MAST is the latest offering for the benefit of both recruiters and fresh Management pass outs alike. MAST is structured keeping in mind the current Industry trends & practices for hiring of young fresh management talents. The objective of MAST is to identify potential managers who are capable of making a difference in the management of the organsiation and create path that is good not only for them, but also for the society. Application Procedure: One can apply online for MAST through Credit/ Debit Card and through Demand Draft 1) Guidelines to Apply Online through Credit/Debit Card Candidate should have an active email-id for applying. Visit this page regularly to view updated information. Online Payment : Candidate can choose any one of the following modes to apply: Payment through Credit Card/ Debit Card/ ATM Card (Approved by Master/Visa): In case of any Payment Error : Due to any network communication/connectivity problems, if your application form does not get materialise and the amount of 1750/- has been debited from your account, the same will be refunded back to your account after the reconciliation with Bank and declaration of the MAST result. In Such cases candidates are advised to register again. Fill Online Registration Form: The Credit Card/Debit Card/ATM Card (Approved by Master/Visa) are required before starting online registration. Application can be submitted by a candidate against only one of the Domain Functional Area. Hence, you are advised to apply for the Functional Area, most suiting to your Qualification. With the above documents/Items ready, you can do online registration. You are to exercise sufficient care while furnishing the details. After filling the form correctly, Click the button "Proceed Next". The data filled by you will be displayed. In case you wish to change any information, click "Back to Edit Registration Form" button. If there is no change in information, click "Pay Now!" button. Recheck before submitting online as no editing is possible after submission. An auto-generated Registration Number is allotted to you on successful submission of online registration form and will appear on print version of the Registration Form. Before taking the print out, save the print version of application form using "SAVE AS" function in the "FILE" menu of the window. Take the print out and keep it for all future reference. Send the Print out of the filled online application form with auto generated Application Form Number with your photograph and duly signed by 23 August 2012 2)Payment through Demand Draft Candidates are required to obtain a Demand Draft for Rs.1750/- (Rs One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty only) drawn in favour of 'All India Management Association' Payable at New Delhi, before submission of the Application. Candidates applying on or before 31st January 2012 can register by paying Rs.1250/- instead of Rs.1750/-. Test Centers: Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi and NCR, Dehradun, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Patna, Pune. More Details can be available from the institute website. |
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