Gate 2023 Exams: Key tip to aid you score better in General Aptitude and
Engg Maths
New Delhi | Published : June 21, 2022 (Oswaal Books)

Most of
the students have the belief that aptitude is nothing more than a test that we
passed in earlier classes like ratios or proportions. Most of the students say
that they should not worry regarding the aptitude test but this statement is
absolutely wrong. Actually, students should worry upon this notion. The aptitude
test consists of 15 marks. Engg. Maths Gate 2023 is one of the most difficult
tests. In every Gate question, you are allotted 2.5 minutes. There are many
confusing and tricky questions in Engg. Maths Gate 2023 exam.
Marks division in aptitude testThe Aptitude test is of 15 marks
and it is fixed. Aptitude helps you in your interview clearing and most of the
other course exams even include aptitude tests. There are about 5 questions of 1
mark each and 5 questions of 2marks each, overall, 15 marks. Now the question
arises is there any negative marking in it? Yes, there is negative marking in
this that is Negative marking is 1/3 . The other problem that students face is
which book to be referred to? You can look for various top authors reviewed
books. They will help you in providing structured notes of Engg. Maths gate
Understand the Engg. Maths gate 2023 Exam Pattern and
Syllabus.The GATE Exam Syllabus is provided on the official
GATE website; if you grasp the Syllabus, the exam will be a breeze for you.
Determine which questions in the exam are worth two points and which are worth
one point. You have 180 minutes to answer 65 questions, so start with the ones
that are worth the most points. By repeated practice and determination you can
crack the exam. You should know how to divide your time to spend on every
How many questions should you answer in order to get a
high grade?Because there is negative marking in the Engg. Maths
GATE 2023 exam, try to answer as many questions as feasible. However, keep in
mind that you should attempt to answer with confidence in the smallest amount of
time. Giving more time to any one question can disrupt the exam's rhythm of
answering questions. Try to focus on that one question which you are confident
of scoring good marks. Do not be nervous while attempting the question. Try to
solve every question in the allotted time so that in the end you have time to
check your answers.
How To Prepare For Engg. Maths GATE 2023
Exam?If you want to get a good rank in Engg. Maths GATE2023
then you should start preparing for it. Make a plan according to your syllabus
before starting the preparation. This will help you identify the number of
chapters that need to be covered. Divide your syllabus into difficult and easy
subjects. Take sufficient breaks while studying in order to relax your mind. Set
goals on a daily weekly and monthly basis. Motivate yourself and challenge
yourself. Divide the subject or chapter according to the days left for the exam.
Thoroughly revise everything.
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Here is the recommended link for GATE
Exams Books | 13 Years Solved Question Papers for 2022 Exams:
Take help from expertsFor
preparation, it is critical to seek the advice of a professional. Experts can
help you with alternate concepts or better explanations for each area, as well
as strategic grading. They will help you in solving tricky questions in exams,
moreover, make you know how to divide the time accurately so that you can solve
every question. You can find experts of gate exam preparation from various
Points to be remembered- As much as
possible, answer conceptual questions. This will improve your ability to use
concepts in queries.
Only about 15-20 questions out of 65 are difficult, and the rest are not too
- Make a list of formulas and concepts in brief form. It will
assist you in completing your revision quickly.
- Mathematics and
aptitude are high-scoring subjects, thus you should try as many questions as
possible from these disciplines.
- Revise the subjects during the test
series, and then move on to full-length tests after the subject test. This will
help you stay on track with your preparation, as full-length tests teach you how
to manage your time.
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