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The scheme is to provide financial assistance on reasonable terms to:
Eligibility : Student
Loan Details Coverage of Expenses
Quantum Need based finance subject to repaying capacity of the parents/ students with margin and the following ceilings.
Scholarship/ assistantship to be included in the margin. Security Please contact the nearby branch Rate of Interest
Fixed at BPLR +TP - 2.50% ( floor 12.00%) Penal interest @2% to be charged for loans above Rs.2 lacs for the overdue amount and overdue period. Processing/ upfront charges need not be collected. 1% interest concession if the interest is serviced during the study period. RepaymentRepayment holiday/ Moratorium shall be Course period + 1 year (which may be extended up to 2 years in case student is not able to complete the course within the scheduled time) OR 6 months after getting job, whichever is earlier. The loan to be repaid in 60 months after the holiday as above.
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Note : Since the rules, regulations, eligibility conditions, repayments and interests rates etc. are revised by the banks from time to time in keeping pace with the changing capital market conditions, students and parents are advised to thoroughly check the terms and conditions of educational loan scheme on offer at the time of application.