Tuesday, March 18, 2025
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Online Entrance Exams

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Model Entrance Exam - State

In the states, State Entrance Exam will usually be conducted between April and June. The State level Engineering entrance consist of two papers for BE/B.Tech courses i.e. 1st paper consisting of two parts of Physics and Chemistry of equal weightage with objective type questions and 2nd paper consisting of Mathematics. The candidates who have applied for B. Architecture and B. Planning courses will have Aptitude and Drawing Test extra. The Aptitude Test is designed to evaluate the candidate’s perception, imagination, observation, creativity and architectural awareness. The total time allowed will be 2 and a half hours.

The Medical Entrance also consist of two papers i.e 1st paper consisting of two parts of Physics and Chemistry of equal weightage with objective type questions and 2nd paper consisting of Biology where Zoology and Botany will be given in eqaul weightage. The total time allowed will be 2 and a half hours.

The scheme of Examination will vary in each state. The time allotted, Marks given and the negative marks for wrong answers will be according to the respective state regulations. The details of Entrance examinations of each state is given in the section "Entrance Exams". 

Here we have given a model engineering entrance test to help students prepare for state entrance. We are publishing the two parts (Physics and Chemistry) as Paper I and Mathematics as Paper II in three levels (Level 1 (Easy questions), Level II (Average) and Level III ( Difficult)) each of 3 hour duration. Each question will carry 4 marks. For each incorrect response one third of the total marks allotted to the question would be deducted. After you finish answering the questions, click on the 'Submit Answers' button to get your scores and click the icons in the Answer Sheet for solved answers. Best wishes!!!

State Level Entrance - Engineering - Paper I - Physics & Chemistry, Paper II- Mathematics
Paper I | Paper II Paper I | Paper II Paper I | Paper II
State Level Entrance -Medical - Paper I - Physics & Chemistry, Paper II- Biology
Paper I | Paper II Paper I | Paper II Paper I | Paper II