BWALES MARITIME ACADEMY. is a reputed & recognized service provider to the Shipping Sector act as a Ship Management.Company, headquarter at Aurangabad with in India. It acts as a Professional Intermediary at Two level with sector value change and One Level it creates awareness about careers in the Merchant Navy ensuring a steady stream of Human Resource raw material. which becomes and input for the Academies and at Second Level it offers the manpower trained at these academies to the shipping.
Library: Books relating to IMU sciences and related areas, national and international journals, compact disc versions, scientific videotapes are the main highlights of the library. It is also provided with reprographic services and high speed internet connection with numerous terminals thereby assisting the faculty and students to acquire knowledge through sophisticated means.
Mess: There is a cadet mess inside the campus. It provides a well balanced palatable & nourishing diet. The daily menu invariably includes verities of food and taste. Special foods are provided on festivals.vegetarian food & Non -Veg is provided.
Hostel Facility
Staff quarters inside the college campus. Separate hostels are available for boys and girls.
Scholarship Facility
Provides Scholarships
100% Placement Service Available