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Rajagiri School of Management (RSOM)

Rajagiri Valley, Kakkanad , Kochi - 682039
District: Ernakulam (Kerala)
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Courses Offered by Rajagiri School of Management (RSOM)

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0484-2426554, 2422654
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 Course(s) Offered by Rajagiri School of Management (RSOM)  in Doctoral Programmes
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Management
1 .
Master’s Degree in the relevant subject with at least an average of 55% of marks
Admission Procedure
should have qualified in the Entrance Test (Details of the Test format is given below) conducted by the M.G. University or National Eligibility Test for Lectureship/JRF conducted by the U.G.C /C.S.I.R. or GATE or ICAR may apply for research leading to Ph.D Degree. Candidates with M. Phil Degree Qualifications recognized by the University and those who have qualified in the Kerala State Level Eligibility Test (SLET) are also exempted from the Entrance Test