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Maulana Azad College

8,Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road, , Kolkata - 700013
District: Kolkata (West Bengal)
Contact Institute
Established      :    1926
Affiliated to     :    University of Calcutta
Approved By    :    -

Courses Offered by Maulana Azad College

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The college has a 5 acre campus in the heart of the city of Kolkata which comprises one heritage building, one annexe building and one staff quarter complex. Apart from the main campus, the college has the Principal's Quarter, two boys' and one girls' hostel close by and another pavilion-cum-staff quarter complex at Gorachand Dutta Lane, Kolkata. There are in all 36 classrooms and 22 laboratories in the college many of which are IT enabled. There is a Central Instrumentation Facility, separate plant and animal tissue culture laboratories and an ethics committee affiliated Animal House. The college has a traditional Char-Bag (four gardens) as its facade and one of these served as a well maintained medicinal plant garden.
The college has been affiliated to the University of Calcutta since its inception. The college functions under the administrative control of The Higher Education Department, Government of West Bengal.

033-2249 3737
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 Course(s) Offered by Maulana Azad College  in Statistics
B.Sc. Statistics (Hons)
1 .
The candidates who have passed, with the requisite criteria , the Higher Secondary Examination (10+2 system) conducted by the Council of Higher Secondary Education, West Bengal or an equivalent examination recognized by the University of Calcutta
3 Years
Approved By/ Affiliated To
University of Calcutta