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Sophia College for Women

Bhulabhai Desai Road , Mumbai - 400026
District: Mumbai (Maharashtra)
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Established      :    1940
Affiliated to     :    University of Mumbai
Approved By    :    -

Courses Offered by Sophia College for Women

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Sophia College, founded in 1941, is affiliated to the University of Mumbai. The Governing Body of the Society for the Higher Education of Women in India runs the College. The Religious Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and lay staff form the staff of the College. Sophia College is a Christian Minority Institution. Students of all denominations are welcome. The main goal of Sophia is the relentless search for Wisdom, through an education that is holistic and transformative.

022-2351 2642 / 2352 3304
022-2351 3183
View All Courses Conducted by Sophia College for Women
 Course(s) Offered by Sophia College for Women  in Bioinformatics
Certificate Course in Bioinformatics
1 .
Undergraduates and post-graduates. S.Y.B.Sc students various science streams are encouraged to join the course.
Approved By/ Affiliated To
UGC Sponsored and Mumbai University Recognized
Other Details
Bioinformatics is a field of science in which biology, computer science and information technology merge into a single discipline. This course introduces the students to Bioinformatics, which uses computer databases to store, retrieve and assist in understanding biological information. Genome-scale sequencing projects have led to an explosion of genetic sequences available for automated analysis. The students will be shown how these sequences can help achieve better description and understanding of biological processes, disease, and contribute to the time and cost effectiveness of biological experimentation. Hands-on sessions will familiarize students with the details and use of the most commonly used online tools and resources. The course will cover the use of NCBI's Entrez, BLAST, PSI-BLAST, ClustalW, the PDB and a lot more! An introduction to database design and the principles of programming languages will be provided.