Renowned as the world's first Spa Gurukulam, Puretouch Spa Academy offers courses on International Spa Therapy and Vedic Therapy. Headed by globally recommended spa masters, Puretouch Spa Academy, boasts on our unique courses on Puretouch spa and 'Solus Per Art' healing Methods. We define Puretouch spa as the most artistic, advanced and effective method of mental and physical wellbeing and a holistic approach to life. Started it's operations in January 2009 in Kerala, the land of Ayurveda and Vedic therapies, Puretouch Spa Academy holds the pride of hundreds of well known Spa professionals in our former student's list and a good number of enthusiastic students undergoing various courses in our campuses. Puretouch Spa, in association with GSPA (Global Spa Professional Association), target to benefit people from all folks of society who are willing and dedicated to be part of the well growing spa industry. Spa industry, today, is integrated with hospitality industry like star hotels, luxury cruise ships, wellness centers, health clubs, fitness centers, medical institutions etc