Rayat And Bahra College Of Education, take the challenge of preparing a new generation of teachers.
Library: The College has a well-equipped library with over 9,200 books, national and international journals. Reference books and other related material is also available. Computer with Internet facility is available for use of prospective teachers and teacher educators.
Computer laboratory: The computer laboratory is equipped with 25 computers, internet facilities and power backup. The teachers in charge and the computer instructor assist the faculty as well as prospective teachers and teacher educators in preparing instructional material.
Information and Communication
Technology Resource Centre: In the Information and Communication Technology Resource Centre, there are two overhead projectors, one computer with internet facility, two LCD projectors, educational CDs, CD player, sound system, interactive board, CCTV with DVR, handycam and a digital camera. Sufficient facilities are provided to the faculty, prospective teachers and teacher educators to integrate the latest technology in teaching learning.
Language laboratory: Well-equipped language laboratory with latest technology for twenty students is operational. Computer with internet, 29-inch colour TV and twenty sets of electronic units and language laboratory system with language software is available.
Psychology Resource Centre: This centre is well-equipped with psychological tests and apparatus used by prospective teachers and teacher educators, research scholars and faculty for psychological testing and research.
Mathematic Resource Centre: The resource centre is equipped with various models, charts, laboratory manuals, CDs, books and other instructional material. The resource material available in the resource centre enhances the ability of the prospective teachers to think and reason, to visualize and handle abstractions and to formulate and solve problems, thereby making quality mathematics education accessible.
Science and Home Science Resource Centre: A well-equipped resource centre with science and home science equipment is in place and is used by the prospective teachers to prepare instructional material for teaching. It engages learners in acquiring methods and processes that nurture curiosity and creativity in teaching-learning.
Social Sciences Resource Centre: The material available promotes interdisciplinary approach, equipping learners with the ability to think independently and reflect critically and constructively on social issues thereby, promoting understanding of key national concerns with focus on conceptual understanding rather than memorization for their lesson planning and teaching.
Art and Craft Resource Centre/Work experience room: Art and Craft Resource Centre is used by faculty as well as prospective teachers and teacher educators to prepare teaching aids with various materials including clay and cardboards with assistance of art and craft instructor. It has a separate section, where well- prepared teaching aids of all subjects are displayed.
LIFE (Learning in Informal and Formal Environments) Centre: A resource room for alternatives in education, house books, materials and other cost effective resources from Eklavya and Jodo Gyan for the current project underway with WIPRO through CEVA.
Scholarship Facility
The Institution helps the admitted students to get the benefits of Punjab government schemes such as “Post Matric Scholarship Scheme.”
Placement Service Available