Vijay College of Education for Women, Mubaraknagar,Nizamabad."Modern Women is the embodiment of brave talents and goodwill."To prove this fact Ideal Education Society constitutes renowned Scholars and dedicated Women rendering their services to the people of Nizamabad in the field of Education.It got its registration in 1981 and planted its sapling “ VIJAY PUBLIC SCHOOL” with 160 buds from L.K.G to III, to lit the lamp of wisdom. Now it has emerged as a huge tree by growing with a strenght of more than 1800 students and 90 teaching and non-teaching staff. Due to the enthusiastic and determined fervour of the management, teachers and sincere sudents this Institute has gained its panache in the school education. One of the longest cherished dreams of Ideal Education Society to mould their student teachers to the zenith as role models in their profession is fulfilled with the establishment of Vijay College of Education for Women at Nizamabad. The dedicated Members of the society who are also the sponsors of Vijay Rural Engineering College, Nizamabad; Srinivas Reddy Institute of Technology, Munipally; Vijay Institute of Technology and Sciences, Kamareddy and Vijay College of Engineering College for Women, Manikbhandar, Nizamabad running under different banners such as Ideal Education Society, Manikbhandar; Balaji Education Society, Armoor; Siri Education Society, Kamareddy and Siri Education Society,Nizamabad