NIELIT (National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology) Society is an Autonomous Scientific Society under Ministry of Communication & Information Technology, Department of Information Technology, Govt. of India. Together, the NIELIT Centres offer a wide range of formal and non-formal courses at post matric, under graduate as well as post graduate levels for students and professionals in areas covering Information Technology, Electronics Product Design and Technology, Maintenance Engineering, Bio-Informatics, ITES, Computer Applications and Engineering, Medical Electronics and e-Governance
Library : Library has more than 13,219 volumes of books on Electronics, Computers and allied fields. Library is automated by using KOHA library software. Internet facility is available in the library under NME Project of Ministry of HRD. The Library has access to DELNET ( Developing Library Network ) which is the Networked Library of All Technical Institution of India.
Laboratory: laboratory is equipped with Rack Mount Server U, Desktop Computers (Intel Pentium IV), Wi Fi Compatible Wireless Access Point, CISCO 2801 Router and switches etc.
· Computer Centre & Labs: There are 8 nos. of Computer lab. under LAN system. It is well equipped with desktop PCs powered by latest Intel processors and others. Servers include HP Proliant GL, ML, DL series, HP Ai01200r Storage server with 9TB capacity, HCL Infiniti series etc. The LAN is well protected by Firewall with load balancer which provides automated fail-safe Internet connection. The systems on the LAN are running on latest Microsoft Windows under Microsoft Campus 3.5 agreement and protected by Microsoft Forefrontantivirus and is monitored, controlled and updated through dedicated anti-virus server. One machine is allotted per student for all courses. The centre has multiple Internet connection, through NKN and BSNL.