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Shiv Shankar Institute of Engineering and Technology

Chooslewar Morh, Patti , Amritsar - 143416
District: Amritsar (Punjab)
Contact Institute
Established      :    2004
Affiliated to     :    IK Punjab Technical University
Approved By    :    All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)

Courses Offered by Shiv Shankar Institute of Engineering and Technology

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Placement Records

SSIET, Patti in Punjab was established as a degree level Professional institution in 2004 undertaking B. Tech Courses, the challenge is approved by AICTE and Punjab Goverment and is affiliated to PTU, Jalandhar. It has been established by SBS society, Patti. SSIET, Patti (Amritsar) is committed for imparting the best technical education. It is situated at Patti which is 45 Km from Amritsar, 60 Km from Moga and 40 Km from Beas

01851-242518, 500295, 244618
+91 98144 03360, 99148 14965, 99148 14963
01851-500295, 243468
View All Courses Conducted by Shiv Shankar Institute of Engineering and Technology
 Course(s) Offered by Shiv Shankar Institute of Engineering and Technology  in Mechanical Engineering
B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering
1 .
A candidate will be eligible for admission to B.Tech. on the basis of CET merit, if he/she fulfills the following conditions:- a) He/she has passed the 10+2/Diploma or its equivalent examination conducted by a recognised Board/University/Council. The eligibility for engineering courses are as under:- All those candidates who have passed 10+2 examination and with pass in Physics, Mathematics as compulsory subjects and any one of the following optional subjects i.e. Chemistry/Biology/ Biotechnology/Computer Science. OR Those candidates who have passed diploma in any Engineering Trade from Punjab State Board of Technical Education, Chandigarh or Diploma/Certificate course from Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology, Longowal (District Sangrur) or such Examination from any other recognised State Board of Technical Education.
4 years
No. of Seats
120 seats