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Siwan Engineering and Technical Institute

Islamia Nagar, Surapur , Siwan - 841226
District: Siwan (Bihar)
Contact Institute
Established      :    2000
Affiliated to     :    Aryabhatta Knowledge University
Approved By    :    -

Courses Offered by Siwan Engineering and Technical Institute

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Siwan Engineering & Technical Institute, Siwan which was established in the year 2000, would further make qualitative progress and take strides to reach the peak of excellence in Technical Educations. The college made a humble beginning with 60 Seat in each Mechanical Engg., Electronics & Communication Engg., Computer Science & Engg., Electrical Engg. and Civil Engg. It has now been successful to provide the quality standard education and all round development of the student in all the spheres of life.

View All Courses Conducted by Siwan Engineering and Technical Institute
 Course(s) Offered by Siwan Engineering and Technical Institute  in Electronics Engineering
B.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering
1 .
 Pass in  Higher Secondary ( +2) or Equivalent
The Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB) conducts the entrance test in two stages. The first stage is the screening test. The screened candidates appear in the mains Examination (second stage). Based on the Merit List of the Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination (2nd stage), successful candidates have to go through counselling (third stage). For further details see BCECE site. For lateral entry in Second year, one must have passed Diploma in engineering/B.Sc. and should be in the merit list of BCECE(LE).
4 Years
Approved By/ Affiliated To
Aryabhatta Knowledge University