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Jawaharlal Nehru University

New Mehrauli Road , New Delhi - 110067
District: Delhi (Delhi)
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Courses Offered by Jawaharlal Nehru University

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91-11-26742676, 26742575, 26741557
View All Courses Conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru University
 Course(s) Offered by Jawaharlal Nehru University  in Environmental Science
M.Phil. Environmental Science | M.Sc. Environmental Science | Ph.D. Environmental Science
1 .
M.Sc. degree or equivalent in any branch of basic or applied science or MBBS or B.Tech./B.E. with minimum 55% marks
2 .
Bachelor's degree in any branch of basic or applied science under 10+2+3 pattern of education with at least 55% marks.
3 .
(a) obtained M.Phil degree of a recognized University/Research Institution with minimum Final Grade Point Average (FGPA) of 6.00 in 10 point scale/comparable standard where the grading is based on system other than 10 point scale. The candidates who have obtained M.Phil. degree from a University/Institution where dissertation is not graded or grading is not on 10-point scale, are required to forward a copy of their M.Phil. dissertation along with the Application Form for the purpose of assessment of their credentials; OR (b) at least 2 years research experience in reputed institutions with research publication(s) comparable to M.Phil. standard. In addition, they should have obtained Master's Degree with FGPA of 6.00 in the 10 point scale/comparable standard or equivalent percentage.
Admission Procedure
through entrance examination