The IERD is an internationally recognized, non-political, non-profit and independent educational body committed to the development and propagation of new age education comprising of people interested in the promotion of education at all its levels and all spheres in order to develop the latent potentials of individuals and communities. The IERD stands apart from other institutions because it gives holistic support and guidance to its students, whenever it is required. Education has been declared a Fundamental Right by the Indian Constitution (though not guaranteed in case of higher education, being quite expensive), but still IERD has tried to put its diminutive endeavor so as to make them available and affordable to mass of the students. This explains why the fees for the various courses are reasonable. The Institute drives itself to prepare its student more for life, than for examinations only, as it considers knowledge not to be a commodity only, but far beyond that, as a source of inspiration and upliftment of mind, body and soul.