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Dr. MV Shetty College of Speech and Hearing

Maladi Court, Panjimogaru , Mangalore - 575013
District: Dakshin Kannada (Karnataka)
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Affiliated to     :    Mangalore University
Approved By    :    -

Courses Offered by Dr. MV Shetty College of Speech and Hearing

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Education in this institution will have a high quality assurance and acceptance in India and overseas. The courses offered are BASLP, MASLP and PhD affiliated to Mangalore University. As per Government of India requirements the courses are recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India, New Delhi.

0824-2481048/96, 2427897, 3254314/308
9400558444, 7760495280
View All Courses Conducted by Dr. MV Shetty College of Speech and Hearing
 Course(s) Offered by Dr. MV Shetty College of Speech and Hearing  in Hearing,Language and Speech
Bachelor in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (BASLP) | Master in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (MASLP) | Ph.D. Speech and Hearing
1 .
A candidate who has passed the two year pre-university examination conducted by the pre-university board of Karnataka or any other examination considered as equivalent there to by Mangalore University with the following subjects combination: a) Physics, Mathematics and Biology/Chemistry/Computer Science or b) Physics, Biology and Mathematics/ Chemistry/Computer Science are eligible for admission to the programme.
six Semesters of course work (three academic years) plus Two Semesters (one academic year) of internship. Each semester shall consist of 16 weeks of study (excluding the time spent for the conduct of the final examination of each semester).
2 .
Pass in BASLP/B.Sc.(Speech & Hearing )/B.Sc.(Speech Language & Hearing) or any other equivalent examination in India or abroad as approved by the Mangalore University
The duration of the MASLP degree programme is extended over a period of 2 academic years of 4 semesters. Each semester is of 18 weeks duration including instructions
Admission Procedure
The candidate are selected for the MASLP course based on the marks obtained in their bachelor degree Audiology and Speech Pathology (BASLP/B.Sc. Speech Language and Hearing) examination provided they have the eligibility
3 .
Candidates who has obtained a Masters Degree from Mangalore University or from any University in the Karnataka State or from any other University recognized as equivalent their to securing not less than 55% marks in the aggregate at the Masters Degree course as a whole shall be eligible to register for the Ph.D. Degree programme. However in the case of SC/ST and Category I candidates the minimum marks required shall be 50%.
Every full time candidate shall work for a minimum period of 3 years from the date of registration. The part time candidate shall work for a minimum period of 4 years.