Govt. Polytechnic College, Kannur is situated at Thottada in Kannur Coporation.Kannur Goverment Polytechnic was started in the year 1958 with a view to create ample chances for the educated peoples to technical training and hence to increase the pool of specially trained, employed technicians.
In the beginning there were 3 year diploma courses in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering. Kannur is so called the looms and lores hence the 3 year diploma in Textile Technology and Paper Technology were started later in the year 1982. A new diploma courses on Electronics was started on 1987.
At present there are 6 Diploma courses viz. Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Govt. Polytechnic College, Kannur is one of the biggest Institution in Kannur District, The College Provides hostel facility for boys.