KGiSL Institute of Technology was started in the year 2008 by Padmashri Dr. G. Bakthavathsalam, MS, FICS, FCCP, FAMS, FMMC. Founder-Chairman of KG Hospital.
The main objective of the KGiSL Institute of Technology is to provide industry embedded education and to mold the students for leadership in industry, government, and educational institutions; to advance the knowledge base of the engineering professions; and to influence the future directions of engineering education and practice.
LIBRARY:The library has OPAC (Online public Access catalogue) Facility which makes easy for the users to access.All access is through Bar Coding System.
TRANSPORT: We ferry students from all parts of Coimbatore and beyond. We are on time, every time. We facilitate connectivity to student homes and drive them safe.
Hostel Facility
Hostel Facilities available
Placement Service Available