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Thoubal College

Thoubal, Thoubal District , Thoubal - 795001
District: Thoubal (Manipur)
Contact Institute
Established      :    1963
Affiliated to     :    Manipur University
Approved By    :    -

Courses Offered by Thoubal College

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The Thoubal College was established as a night college in the year 1963 to meet the academic needs of Thoubal area. It was a result of the determined effort of educated pioneers with inspiration and support from the local public. The building of the present Chaoyaima Higher Secondary School was utilized till its own building was constructed in the year 1969 at the present campus. The college was shifted and converted into a day college from the academic session 1969-70.The college is situated at Thoubal Wangmataba Ward No. 2, Thoubal Municipal Council, about 1 kilometre from the National Highway No. 39 (Indo-Myanmar Road) in the Thoubal Khunou Road.Its campus has an area of about 17 acres having separate Administrative block, Library, Playground, Laboratory facilities for various subjects and qualified staff. A study centre of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is also opened within the campus. This is the oldest degree college in Thoubal district. A new scheme-IGNOU Convergence Scheme under Distance Education Council,New Delhi has been introduce in the college from July,2008 session.The College is now a full pledged Government College permanently affiliated to the Guwahati University upto the year 1979 and to the Manipur University from 1980 onwards. The college is included in the lists of institutions recognised by University Grants Commission, New Delhi under Section 2(f) and 12(b) of the UGC act. With the delinking of 10+2 courses, the college has become a purely degree college being co-educational and having Arts And Science streams.The College has many well qualified and experienced teachers. Many teachers are working as Research Guides Leading to M.Phil/Ph.D. of different Universities. Many teachers are also undergoing Research Projects sponsored by different agencies like UGC, Deptt of Science & Technology, etc.

 Course(s) Offered by Thoubal College  
B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) | B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science)
1 .
3 Years
2 .
3 Years
Other Details
Physics, Mathematics, Economics