Vishva Bharti Group of Educational Institutions is a home for the talented and gifted, for those with a dream, a passion and commitment to study ,learn investigate and create.At Vishva Bharti, we provide quality education and help attain their stated goals. Our Objective is to help students inculcate a self-sustaining and self renewing system, which operates on a "always learning" mode. The academic programs are benchmarked against the best curriculum and adapted to the requirements of individual student.
Library: There is a library in a big hall, which is equipped with text and reference books related to course in education. Encyclopedia, yearbooks and CD-ROMs, which would strengthen the library, in the identified building.
Play Ground: There is a big playground available in which facilities for various games would be provided. Facility for games would also be given not only to the students but also for the teachers.
Transport Facility: The Society has a fleet of 10 buses to provide the transportation facility to the students.