Sri Sri University (SSU), Cuttack
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Ward No – 3, Sandhapur, Godi Sahi, Cuttack Vidhayadharpur, , Cuttack (Cuttack Dist.) - 754006
The university offers a unique education that brings together the best of Western innovation with ...
Imperial College, Bargarh
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Vidya Vihar, Chadeigaon , Bargarh (Bargarh Dist.) - 768 030
Setup in 2008, Imperial College was a first of its kind of college in Bargarh and neighbouring ...
Affinity Business School, Jatni
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Barunei Hills, Baratota,
Near Khurda Industrial Estate,
Jatani , Jatni (Khurda Dist.) - 752050
Since its inception in 2008, the Institute has been offering quality management education with a ...
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