Sitalkuchi College, Cooch
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P.O : Sitalkuchi, Sub : Mathabhanga , Cooch (Cooch Behar Dist.) - 736158
West Bengal
Sitalkuchi College was established in the year 1999, with the aim of providing the scope for higher ...
Mekhliganj College, Cooch
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125 Kharkhariya, Post:Mekhliganj , Cooch (Cooch Behar Dist.) - 735304
West Bengal
Mekliganj College was established on 22nd December, 1996 as the General Degree College in the ...
Mathabhanga College, Cooch
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P.O - Mathabhanga , Cooch (Cooch Behar Dist.) - 736146
West Bengal
Mathabhanga College, a promising educational institute for undergraduate studies, is situated about ...
Cooch Behar College, Cooch
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Kalighat Road , Cooch (Cooch Behar Dist.) - 736101
West Bengal
Cooch Behar College, Cooch Behar affiliated to the Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University was ...