Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai
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Gangaiamman Koil Street
Karapakkam (Adjacent to Govt.High School, Karapakkam Bus Stop: Karapakkam) , Chennai (Chennai Dist.) - 600097
Tamil Nadu
The Government of Tamil Nadu enacted Act No.(33) of 2008 to provide for the establishment and ...
Madha College Of Education, Chennai
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Madha Nagar,
Somangalam Road,
Kunrathur , Chennai (Chennai Dist.) - 600069
Tamil Nadu
Madha college of Education, a unit of Madha Group of Academic Institutions of par excellence run by ...
Jaya College of Education, Chennai
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Annai Indira Nagar,
Thiruninravur , Chennai (Chennai Dist.) - 602 024
Tamil Nadu
The Institution follows the rules and regulations of the Tamilnadu Teachers Education University, ...
University of Madras, Chennai
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University Centenary Building, Chepauk, Triplicane P O , Chennai (Chennai Dist.) - 600005
Tamil Nadu
Madras University is the mother of almost all the old Universities of southern India. The ...
Vels School of Education, Pallavaram
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Vels University, Velan Nagar
P.V. Vaithiyalingam Road , Pallavaram (Chennai Dist.) - 600117
Tamil Nadu
School of Education was instituted in Vels University in the year 2016 with the clear vision of ...