Arya College of Education, Hisar
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Bherian, Post Muklan, 7 k.m from Ajad Nagar,
Rajgarh Road, Hisar , Hisar (Hisar Dist.) - 125007
Welcome to Arya College of Education. It provides the perfect platform for students to mold and ...
Gaur College of Education, Hisar
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14th K.M. Stone, Chandigarh Road, Behbalpur, Hisar , Hisar (Hisar Dist.) - 125121
Gaur College of Education is a self finance college for improving the quality of teacher Education ...
Gurudham College of Education, Hisar
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6k.m. stone N.H.:65, Hisar Road V&P.O. Khedar, Barwala, Hisar , Hisar (Hisar Dist.) - 125121
Guru Dhaam College of Education is a self financing college of teacher education situated on N.H. ...
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