Government College, Malappuram
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Munduparamba PO, Manjeri Road , Malappuram (Malappuram Dist.)
The college was started in 1972 as a second grade college with just two Pre-degree batches-[Group ...
MES College, Vadakara, Vadakara
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Vadakara, Villiappally, Memunda P.O. , Vadakara (Kozhikode Dist.) - 673104
MES College Vatakara is the proud symbol of MES in north Malabar also supportrd by few NRIs and ...
Emmanuel College, Thiruvananthapuram
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Kudappanamood P.O , Thiruvananthapuram (Thiruvananthapuram Dist.) - 695510
Emmanuel College, Vazhichal was founded by a group of daring young priests who had lofty dreams on ...
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