SS Educational Institute, Agra
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Gamri Malpura, Jagner Road, Agra , Agra (Agra Dist.) - 282001
Uttar Pradesh
SS Education Institute has been established at Malpura, Agra on 2nd July 2008 by Sri Shyama Shyam ...
BK Degree College, Mathura
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Neemgano Road, Badon, Raya , Mathura (Mathura Dist.) - 281204
Uttar Pradesh
The B.K.Group Of Institutions was founded by Dr. B. K. Upadhyay in 2008. At present the group has ...
Agra College, Agra
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M.G.Road , Agra (Agra Dist.) - 282001
Uttar Pradesh
Agra College, Agra was established in 1823. The college is open to all sections of society ...
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